This picture basically explains Brian and I! We are goofy & LOVE to have fun! We just literally enjoy eachothers company. & that is why I knew IMMEDIATELY that I would marry Brian.
Brian and I met on facebook of all places... I know, I know .. the root of all EVIL!! I actually had SEEN Brian prior to facebook, however we had never talked. One day I scrounged up the COURAGE to contact him on facebook and invite him to church. After that first message we never stopped talking. We talked about everything and anything!!! My conversations with Brian would go on for Hours DAYS!!! I instantly knew he would be the man I would marry.. I knew this for a ONE reason...
I had went on a dating fast!
I dated Jesus for 60 days, and during that 60 days I would read my Bible and PRAY for God to send me the man I was going to marry. I did not make a list because I knew God knew my heart. I met Brian during my dating fast and we stayed friends for 3 months while I did my fast ( I am soo happy Brian was patient with me !!!!) God revealed to me early on that Brian would be the person I would marry! God spoke to my heart and I knew right away that Brian was IT!!!!Brian took me to Hocking Hills ( one of my favorite places!!). He took me to Ash Cave & told me we were going on a scavanger hunt that the park proivded ( WINK WINK). He handed me 2 papers that were filled up with seven clues.. For example.. Clue #2 YOUR SECOND CLUE IS LOCATED UP THE PATH A WAYS AND WILL BE NEXT TO A GROUP OF FALLEN TREES. REMEMBER THAT EACH CLUE IS MARKED BY A WHITE ROCK. LOOK FOR IT TO TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE CLOSE TO YOUR CLUE. THE CLUE WILL BE TAPED TO THE BACK OF A TREE!.. Every clue I found taped somewhere had a medal key attached that had writing on it .. they all said different things such as dream, journey, love. Every clue also had a note written from Brian going along with what was written on the key. For example the Key said memories and the clue talked about all the memories we have shared and will continue to share!.. I went through seven clues to come to the last clue that told me to search for a box. ( at this point I knew this was not a scavanger hunt for everyone that the park provided) Brian told me that he had paid someone to do this for us :) .. ( WINK WINK) I searched and searched for a box .. which I found in the cave in a hole wrapped in a plastic clear bag. The box was pretty big and it also came with INSTRUCTIONS. I was to do a puzzle ( upside down )! The puzzle had numbers on the back so I wouldnt get confused ( which i would have!!! hehehe) Brian had even provided two sparkly boards to put the puzzle on.. HE IS SOOO PREPARED FOR EVERYTHING!!! Once I did the puzzle I flipped it over... and there it was!!! It was a picture of Brian holding a sign saying " WILL YOU MARRY ME??" I looked up at Brian in tears with my HANDS over my mouth.. while Brian had the ring in the box in his hand. I of course said YESS!! ... I can honestly say that moment was the most UNFORGETTABLE moment in my life.
PS: I later found out that Brians PARENTS placed all the scavanger items at Ash Cave and they were there!!! They were hidden and I didnt see them!!! ( BRIAN CAME UP WITH THIS IDEA AND WROTE EVERYTHING OUT!!!) He is AMAZING!
- Brian
Brian is the man of my dreams! He is the most caring person I have ever met. Brian would give the shirt off of his back for a stranger on the street. Brian puts others first and wants to make sure EVERYONE in his life is happy!! Brian genuinely loves helping others. I have never met anyone like Brian in my life. I knew from the moment I met him that something about him was " Different ". Brian has the most pure and giving heart ( I am a teeeny bit bias, because he is mine!!!) Brian is intellectual and funny!! Brian can light up a room with his smile and personality! :) I can't imagine my life without Brian! I know there is not another person in the world that could ever live up to Brian and how i feel about him! Brian is the type of person that would put aside his needs for yours. I could go on for days but the BEST way to describe Brian is AMAZING:) ... PERFECT!!!