Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Birthday to.... ME!

So lucky me I turned 21 in January, however it was not like everyones "21". I am pentacostal and for me and myself that means NO drinking. Now please understand I do not hate or not like anyone who does drink but it is just not my personal belief. So in order to have a wonderful, fun, exciting, and never forgetting birthday I made mine a WHOLE month .. not just ONE day! ;) This was one way to make my birthday "special" With the help from my family, brian and my inlaws I had a WONDERFUL birthday month!

Here are some pics!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Will you be mine?

Valentines Day is coming up.. and coming up fast! Brian and I are on a budget so I have to be creative with what I get him. So where would a girl go to come up with a cheap VDAY gift??..... Thats RIGHT pinterest! Pinterest has the cutest ideas ( sad to say I do not have an account.. but I do browse!) I am sure many of you have seen the 52 reasons why I love you! This is what I made for my hunny!

I used red and black card stock. They were on sale at michaels for 49 cents a piece You would only need about 4-5 pieceS of paper. I took the card and measured out how much I would need to cut.

I placed the black paper on first and then placed the red on top of the black

I bought this tape runner for 3.99, however at the end of this project I ended up throwing it away because it didnt work that great

These were PERFECT for decorating the cards

There are  templates that can be downloaded, however when I printed them out they were too small and I could not make them bigger. Your imagination is key for this project! You can do it however you want! This project took me a few hours, and it was SOOO easy! GOOD LUCK!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Little Miss Organizer!

As some of you know I work with three year olds everyday for 8 hours a day ( minus saturday & sunday)
While I absolutly love my kids... I sometimes find myself running around like a chicken with my head cut off.. this is because I am constantly trying to keep them entertained. They have the SHORTEST attention span!! In the midst of keeping them entertained I also need to stay organized; not to mention saving time. I am also a little obssesive over how the room looks, as well as obssesed with how organized the room is. It is myself & one other teacher ( we are short a teacher right) I am all about saving time while being organized! Here are some neat ideas to use in the classroom :)!! ENJOY!

This is our calendar to update our parents :) (arent our humptydumptys cute!!?? It was fairy tales/ nursey rhymes week)
I took pics of the bins with toys in them and took another pic & placed one on the bin and one on the shelf ( as you can see below) So the kids know where the toys go! Saves me from cleaning up & gives me extra time!

We organize our days by folders and put dailys, worksheets, art projects and anything else for that day in its spot! We are always a week ahead which is super prepared and allows us to save time!

My fellow teacher came up with this idea! We are NEVER searching for colors, because they are organized !!

WE seperated our months and the lesson plans in that month so we do not have to do it the week before. We are always two months ahead of the lesson plans which helps us in case one of us is out for a long period of time :)

This idea is CREATIVE!! We place a different shape at each table for example blue square or pink triangle then look down at the next picc!!

We put their names on the color table they should be sitting at ( right above where the chairs are stacked so they can see them) this helps them recognize their names and then they can easily see what table they should be sitting at!

I hope some of this can be beneficial to anyone :) I love giving ideas on ways to save time & I love hearing new ideas! FEEL free to give some!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


After Brian propsed to me, he had me get ready for another surprise. ( He is AMAZING!)  Brian had set up an appointment with a photographer to get our pictures done. ( These are NOT our engagement pics) We actually got to go to Old Mans Cave and take our pics there. The reason that these are not our engagement pics is because of how we were dressed. We were dressed very casually which is not what I had in mind for our engagement pictures. Our photographer for the wedding is doing our engagement pics for free.. it came with the package :) Anyways I just wanted to share that special day & a few of the pics we got taken!

This was the mosy special day of my life, and to have pictures to capture how we felt was such a great idea! I can not imagine my life without this wonderful man. He is so thoughtful to have done this for me!